This year I'll be riding on the West Coast, creating a route along the Pacific to mirror my colleagues in DC. I'm aiming for a 50-mile route this year. If all goes well, it'll be upwards from there for future years. I attempted to record my ride last year but failed pretty miserably (note: make sure the camera is charged before starting the ride...) I'm planning a do-over this year on that front, so tune in for some (hopefully) beautiful views of the Pacific Coast!
BellRinger is a bike ride and a year-round effort to end cancer. Our movement is motivated by a community of Riders, Virtual Riders, volunteers, and donors working together to further our impact. I've made a commitment to fundraising, and I invite you to join me by donating to my effort and supporting life-saving cancer research at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Rider Profile
Ride Year