Rider Profile

Ride Year

  • 24

My Fundraising Progress

goal $500.00


WE Ride for You!

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Debora Dole's story

We all know someone has been touched personally by cancer. My family has a CDKn2A mutation (FAMMM syndrome) specifically melanoma and pancreatic cancer. We have lost my dad, my brother, both paternal grandparents to pancreatic cancer. My sister, another brother and nephew also carry this mutation. Our story is not unique. We can make a difference. We can change the outcome.
BellRinger is a bike ride and a year-round effort to end cancer. The movement is motivated by a community of Riders, Virtual Riders, volunteers, and donors working together to further our impact. I've made a commitment to fundraising, and I invite you to join me by donating to my effort and supporting life-saving cancer research at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Consider joining our team: WE Ride for You!
Wherever you live, whatever you ride, however you choose to move!