Rider Profile

Ride Year

  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25

I am a Cancer Researcher

My Fundraising Progress

Goal $1,000.00


Glioma be damned (GBD) riders

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Edina Komlodi-Pasztor's story

Last year, we launched BellRinger, a community movement and bike ride supporting cancer research here at Georgetown Lombardi. With over 1,000 Riders and volunteers and more than $1.45 million raised for cancer research in our first year, we are excited to do it again this October 20-21.

My entire career has been devoted to improving the treatment of and outcomes for those diagnosed with tumors. More details about my journey to neuro-oncology can be found here: https://bellringer.org/resonance/the-making-of-a-neuro-oncologist/. While we have made tremendous advances resulting in increased chances for cure and improvement in the lives of patients with cancer, the fight is not over, especially in the field of neuro-oncology. Georgetown Lombardi offers unparalleled patient care and brings together excellence in multidisciplinary research focused on a cure.

I have decided to join BellRinger again and will be riding 25 miles to raise money and awareness in the fight against cancer. With your support, we can make a real difference in the critical work happening at Georgetown Lombardi.

Please consider joining me to Ride, volunteer, or donate. You can donate online or make your check payable to BellRinger and mailed to: BellRinger, 500 First St NW, Washington, DC 20001. Please write the name of the Rider or Team on the memo line of the check or in an accompanying note.

Edina Komlodi-Pasztor's photos