Rider Profile

Ride Year

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My Fundraising Progress

Goal $1,500.00



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Elaine Zhang's story

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of 2014. I remember getting the news and going through all of the emotions - shock, fear, anxiety…Thankfully, she got to “ring the bell” and has been cancer-free since her treatment! Over the years, other family members, friends, and loved ones have received diagnoses - some have survived, others not. The reason I ride is to support the advancement of cancer research so more people can “ring the bell” (or hopefully not be diagnosed to begin with!!!) Cancer sucks! Let’s try to end it!

BellRinger is a bike ride and a year-round effort to end cancer. Our movement is motivated by a community of Riders, Virtual Riders, volunteers, and donors working together to further our impact. I've made a commitment to fundraising, and I invite you to join me by donating to my effort and supporting life-saving cancer research at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.