Rider Profile

Ride Year

  • 23
  • 24


I am a Survivor

My Fundraising Progress

goal $5,000.00

Emma Weinstein's story

Hey everyone!
On October 11th, 2022 I was admitted to the hospital for pain that I was having on my right side. After having a CT scan done, the doctors found some lympnodes near my heart and lungs that looked abnormal. A few days later I had an intense biopsy done, and was then diagnosed with stage 2A Hodgkins Lymphoma. After undergoing chemotherapy from Dec'22-Feb'23 I am proud to say I am in recovery and grateful to have beat cancer at such a young age. What really got me through the dark times was the unconditional love and support from family and friends, I truly would not be here without them. I am participating in this ride to give back to the Lombardi center, where I received my treatment but also, for all those who have felt the effects of cancer in their lives. I pray that one day I will ride in celebration of a cure but for today, I ride knowing it brings us one ~pedal-stroke~ closer to a cure :)