Rider Profile

Ride Year

  • 23
  • 24

My Fundraising Progress

Goal $100.00



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Patrick Duffy's story

I am honored to be a part of Whiting-Turner’s team in the BellRinger ride in support of the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center to END CANCER. It needs to stop. Cancer is a disease that touches far too many people in our lives and sometimes takes people from us. While I haven’t logged too many miles on my bike in recent years (maybe a decade) it is time to get this guy back on the bike. I have 100 days to get fit enough to tackle the challenge of the 100-mile ride. It is a daunting challenge for me. But after recently losing my sister, Colleen, my father-in-law, Art, and most recently my colleague, Chris in their battle with cancer, my small struggles to reach that goal won’t come close to the strength the 3 of them showed during their battles. And yet, there are the people fighting every day to make sure cancer does not win like my younger sister, Micaela, who is bravely fighting breast cancer. We can all reflect and think of family members, family friends, and colleagues who all faced their own battles with cancer. This is something that I must do.

Please help support my effort to raise money to END CANCER! I will match every donation, dollar for dollar up to $5,000.