Rider Profile

Ride Year

  • 22
  • 24

I am a Survivor

My Fundraising Progress

Goal $100.00


Team Immunotherapy

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Warren Fogler's story

I am riding in Bellringer - a community movement to end cancer - and I'm asking for your help. On October 26th, I will bike 100 miles to raise awareness and funds to support the groundbreaking cancer research at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, where I was successfully treated for metastatic melanoma.
The ride will take place in Washington DC, but I will be participating virtually, while deployed to Manama, Bahrain as Commander of a Navy EOD and Diving Task Group. I am riding the full 100 miles as part of Team Immunotherapy, which is led by my oncologist, Dr. Michael Atkins. Other cancer patients and friends will be participating in this event alongside me.
In February 2021, I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma. The cancer grew so rapidly that initial surgery became too risky an option. Fortunately, we were referred to Dr. Michael Atkins at Georgetown Lombardi where he recommended a course of immunotherapy to shrink the tumors prior to surgery. Over 3 years after a successful surgery and three more rounds of immunotherapy, I am humbled and blessed to say that I am still cancer free.
The treatment that Dr. Atkins and the team at Lombardi Georgetown offered me was cutting edge. Their confidence in pursuing that course of action was due to the ongoing research being conducted at Georgetown Lombardi. All the dollars you donate will go directly to support that research as they work to discover cancer risk factors, design effective prevention and early detection strategies and develop, test and refine the cancer treatments of tomorrow such as novel immunotherapies, targeted therapies and cellular therapies that are already improving survival and quality of life for patients with melanoma, kidney cancer and many other cancer types.
My goal is to raise $2000+ in support of cancer research at Georgetown Lombardi - Research that has profoundly changed my life and that of my family. Please consider donating!

Warren Fogler's photos